In simple terms, Supply Chain is the movement of goods from one place to another. This can be from mines to manufacturer to distributors to retailers to customers. In todays supply chain, sustainability has importance which can reduce the carbon emission while moving goods in the supply chain network. Every physical goods moving in the supply chain network uses vans, trucks, cargo ships, air freight or railways.

While moving these goods, we have to make sure that carbon emissions are less to maintain the carbon emissions In coming future there will be increase in the logistics by . I am writing in this blog to explain following topics: The ways to reduce the carbon emissions.
1. There are some ways to reduce the carbon emissions. Some of them are to use the model to reduce the miles travelled by trucks to cover the last mile. Some companies like Amazon, Walmart, Target has their own trucks. If we make the model where we minimize the distance travelled (Objective function), using decision variables (route that we should take for destination) and constraints such as costs, companies preferable route etc. By using the linear programming to minimize the distance travelled by trucks from origin to destination finally reducing the emissions.
2. Companies can use the coconut husks for storing the goods or boxes on pallets as it saves wood. This is great way to save the wood and tree cutting for the pallets. As we know that companies use the pallets and the damaged pallets are reused by repairing them. This can save the number of pallets needed newly in the market. We must find the common pallet system throughout the world. So that if we ship the goods from one country to other the supply chain will be simplified and we can use the pallets for other countries too.
3. When talking about the goods company, they use packaging material. This packaging material is not very expensive, so companies spend on the packaging. But they forget that they are made of cardboard, which is made from paper and finally trees. I know without packaging it will be difficult to ship the goods. But we can make sure that we don't use the cardboard boxes unnecessary. And each box has used its inside space fully and no space is left. This will save the number of boxes used for storing the materials.
These are some of the ideas that companies can implement to make the supply chain sustainable. By 2050 we all have sustainable supply chain where all companies will contribute for the emission free supply chain.
I really thank companies who are emphasizing on electric vehicles, carbon emissions and new ideas of packaging. Have a nice day !
Thanking You for reading my blog.
Soham S. Shinde